Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.



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For those looking to streamline their deployment of web apps without the usual headaches of server maintenance and setup, 1Backend is here to save the day. This versatile platform lets you roll out new live apps in a flash, slotting it right into your preferred tech stack. Whether you’re vibing with Go, Node.js, TypeScript, or a mix, 1Backend has got you covered. Kickoff is a breeze. Once you sync up with your favorite stack—let’s say Go with some SQL magic—you’ll find yourself with a live, empty app ready to take on your code. The real kicker? You don't need to bust out code in the browser. Your database and infrastructure are already dialed in, connected, and prepped for action. The 1Backend crew takes it a notch higher with a wicked simple domain-specific language (DSL). This lets you whip up language-agnostic types and APIs for your services with ease. These are then turned into type-safe clients and published where you need them, like NPM for Angular services. Sweet, right? Even in its early stages, 1Backend supports the languages you love (Go, JavaScript, TypeScript) and the infrastructure you rely on (MySQL). Plus, it generates snazzy client libraries for Go and Angular, getting your services out there with minimal fuss. Installing 1Backend is mostly a one-click deal, with a smidge of Docker love for now. Spin up the frontend with a Docker run command and watch the magic happen at Want to dive deeper into the Angular app? A quick npm install and start and you’re off to the races. The backend is just as slick. You’ll need Docker containers running MySQL and Redis, with the former preloaded with the necessary schemas. It just takes three commands to get everything up and running, including passing internal IPs and mounting Docker sockets. Configuring the server container is a snap, too, with a default JSON file to keep things simple. Looking to auto-magically generate APIs? 1Backend’s got GitHub integration for that. Just ensure you've got a GitHub user primed to create repositories and an SSH key ready for commits. Easy peasy! With throwback simplicity and forward-thinking capabilities, 1Backend makes launching and managing microservices a walk in the park. For the tech-savvy DIY crowd, it's a total game-changer. Give it a whirl and see how effortlessly it can elevate your web app deployment game.

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