Powerful Multi-User File Manager
Looking for a sleek, no-nonsense way to manage files with multiple users? FileGator might just be your new best friend. This open-source, self-hosted web application is here to make file management as straightforward as your morning coffee run. First things first, FileGator can be your command central for managing files and folders on your server's hard drive, or you can use various storage adapters like FTP, S3, Dropbox, and others via Flysystem. It's kind of like having your own personal cloud service, without the shady fine print. One standout feature—FileGator’s multi-user support. You can set it up so admins, students, your grandma, anyone really, can manage files with different access permissions, roles, and home folders. Want to copy, move, rename, edit, create, delete, preview, zip, unzip, download, or upload files? It's got you covered. Speaking of uploads, you’ll love how drag-and-drop friendly this tool is. Plus, it lets you pause and resume uploads, and who doesn’t appreciate a progress bar? Upload is chunked to accommodate those hefty files regardless of server configurations. Now, let’s chat about more nifty features. FileGator has support for multiple storage and session adapters and storage solutions. Your login can be as simple as a json file, or as complex as pulling from a database or using WordPress. The session adapters offer flexibility with options like Native File, Pdo, Redis, MongoDB, Memcached, and others via Symfony. The front-end is a sweet single-page app built with Vue.js, Bulma, and Buefy. Translation? It's modern, snappy, and pretty darn good-looking. Backed by chunked uploads from Resumable.js, FileGator also boasts zip and bulk download support for power users. And guess what? No database is required. Truly framework-free! FileGator is perfect for a variety of use cases: share folders with your team, give students a place to upload assignments, act as a cloud backup, replace your FTP/SFTP, manage your CDN, and it doesn’t stop there. You can even zip and download remote files in a snap. They’ve also made it super easy to get started with Docker. Just run their official Docker image, and you’re good to go in minutes. Check it out by running: ``` docker run -p 8080:8080 -d filegator/filegator visit: and login as admin/admin123 ``` The documentation is thorough, covering detailed installation steps and even some advanced configurations for those who like to get under the hood. And if you’re considering supporting the project, throw them a star on GitHub or become a backer or sponsor on Patreon. FileGator is a labor of love from an independent developer, powered by community support. If you stumble across any security issues, just drop an email to the project maintainer rather than posting it on the issue tracker. Get started today with FileGator; it's like having your own powerful multi-user file manager, without breaking a sweat. Check out the full details on their GitHub page!